Monday, November 29, 2010

Leaving Santa Rosalia, Stopping in a Decent Town, and Estimating my Coefficient of Drag

Even though Santa Rosalia is a decently sized town and directly on the Gulf, there was no reason to stay there.  The town seems to be the least "Mexican-like" of any Mexican town I have visited.  I mark Mexican towns as ones with narrow streets, poor pavement, and no car parking.  The streets were nice and parking was aplenty, which is perhaps why the candidates chose Santa Rosalia to speak.
Mr. Eiffel of the famed Tower designed this church right off the main drag.  Even though it is the town's biggest tourist attraction, it is still actively used for worship.

Still feeling the effects of the lasagna, I was happy that the ride today was short. I made it to Mulege in about 3 hours and quickly found a Huespedes for 100 Pesos a night.  I am now 1269 miles from SF.  Immediately entering the town, I was greeted by fellow Gringos.  In no time at all, I have made friends with a few other adventure travelers and have decided this is my favorite spot into Baja only behind Ensenada. If my stomach will agree, I should enjoy margaritas over Monday Night Football.

I learned to take photos right outside my hotel in every direction so I can look for markers in case I can't find it later.  This view is directly outside my Huespedes looking to the left.

As the University of Texas at Austin has bestowed upon me a degree in Mechanical Engineering, it is only natural that I wonder about the mechanics of my ride.  I wrote up this analysis over a cheese burger at lunch today.  I coasted down a 7% grade and held steady at 38mph which is the basis for the analysis.  Feel free to correct me on invalid assumptions and wrong data.  Everything was directly from memory.

1 comment:

AMGL said...

I am so incredibly jealous of you right now. SO SO SO SO SO jealous.